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3. Different Types of Irrigation System

In India, the irrigated area consists of about 36

Irrigation by Source in India

per cent of the net sown area.

There are various types of systems of irrigation



Area ( 000 Hectares)


practices in different parts of India which differ in



how the water obtained from the source is



distributed within the field.

Other Wells


In general, the goal is to supply the entire field uniformly with water, so that each plant has the amount of water it needs, neither too much nor

Other Sources 7542

Source- Statistical Year Book of India, 2017, MOSPI

too little.


3.1. Irrigation System Based on Source3.1.1. Tank IrrigationAreas where Tank Irrigation is PrevalentTank irrigation is popular in the peninsular plateau area mainly because of following reasons:Merits of Tank IrrigationDemerits of Tank Irrigation3.1.2. Wells and Tube WellsWellsAreas of Well IrrigationTube WellsMajor Areas under Tube WellsMerits of Well and Tube Well IrrigationDemerits of Well and Tube Well Irrigation3.1.3. Canal IrrigationCanals in India are of two types:Areas where Canal Irrigation is PrevalentMerits of Canal IrrigationDemerits of Canal Irrigation3.2. Different Types of Irrigation Systems Based on Delivery Technique3.2.1. Surface IrrigationThe advantages of surface irrigation include:Drawbacks to surface irrigation include:3.2.2. Sprinkler IrrigationThe advantages of sprinkler irrigation include:Disadvantages:3.2.3. Drip IrrigationThe Advantages of Drip Irrigation include:The Disadvantages of Drip Irrigation are:3.2.4. Subsurface IrrigationThe benefits of subsurface irrigation include:3.2.5. Centre-Pivot IrrigationAdvantages:Disadvantages:3.2.6. Manual Irrigation