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4. Previous Years GS Mains Questions


1. India has seen significant progress towards increasing production, yield levels and crop diversification in last three decades. Still, the agricultural productivity in India is among the lowest in the world. In this context, analyse the reasons for low productivity and suggest some measures to improve the same.Answer:2. Food grain constitutes 64 percent of the gross cropped area (GCA), although it accounts for less than 25 percent of the total value of output of agriculture and allied activities. Give reasons for this existing imbalance in the current cropping pattern of food grains in India and steps needed to correct such an imbalance.Answer:Reasons of imbalance in Crop Pattern:Various steps taken by government3. “Multiplicity of cropping systems has been one of main features of Indian agriculture and it is attributed to rainfed agriculture and prevailing socio-economic situations of farming community.” Comment.Answer:4. Despite favourable demand and supply factors as well as high rate of return, diversification towards horticulture crops has been slow. Examine. What steps are required to achieve the potential of this sector?Answer:5. What do you understand by cropping pattern? What are the factors that influence the cropping pattern in India? Is there a need to change the cropping pattern in the country keeping the agro-ecological concerns in mind?Answer: ♤ Economic Factors:Problems with current cropping pattern:6. Not only does the yield (measured in tonnes/ha.) of a crop but a number of other factors determine the choice of crops that a farmer cultivates. Elaborate with special focus on cropping pattern in India.Answer:1. Physical factors2. Soil type3. Irrigation facilities4. Availability of Inputs5. Government Policies6. Economic and behavioral motivation7. Institutional factors8. Yield (tonnes/ha.) of a crop