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In 1955 India’s butter imports were 500 tons per year, today India's cooperatives alone

produce more than 12,000 tons of butter.

India imported 3000 tons of baby food in 1955, today cooperatives alone produce 38,000 tons of baby food.

By 1975 all imports of milk and milk products stopped.

In 1998 the World Bank published a report on the impact of dairy development in India and looked at its own contribution to this. The audit revealed that of the Rs 200 crore the World Bank invested in Operation Flood, the net return on India's rural economy was a massive Rs 24,000 crore each year over a period of 10 years, which no other dairy programme has ever matched.

India has retained its leadership as the world’s largest milk producer for the last 15 years. This has been made possible by Operation Flood — which ushered in the White Revolution in India.