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The Census of India defines non-workers as the persons who did not ‘work at all’ during the reference period. They constitute—

(i) Students who did not participate in anyeconomic activity paid or unpaid,

(ii) Household duties who were attending to daily household chores like cooking, cleaning utensils, looking after children, fetching water, etc. and are not even helping in the unpaid work in the family farm or cultivation or milching,

(iii) Dependants such as infants or very elderly people not included as


(iv) Pensioners drawing pension post-retirement, not engaged in any economic activity.

(v) Beggars, vagrants, prostitutes and persons having unidentified source of income and with unspecified sources of subsistence and not engaged in any economically productive work.

(vi) Others, which includes all Non-workers who may not come under the above categories such as rentiers, persons living on remittances,

agricultural or non-agricultural royalty, convicts in jails or inmates of penal, mental or charitable institutions doing no paid or unpaid work and persons who are seeking/available for work.

[Also see entry ‘Worker’ ]