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Provision for child- adoption in JJ Act 2015

The Central Adoption Resource Agency will frame regulations on adoption. These regulations will be implemented by state and district agencies. Prospective adoptive parents should be physically and financially sound. A single or divorced person may adopt a child. A single male may not adopt a girl child.

To facilitate quick and smooth adoption of children, the entire adoption process has been made online and transparent.

Simplified procedures have been laid down for adoption by relatives.

Child care institutions are required to develop linkages with Specialized Adoption Agencies so that the pool of adoptable children can be increased and these children can be brought into the adoption process.

Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA), which was earliera society has been given the status of a statutory body to enable it to function better. The Draft Rules prescribe for a comprehensive list of function of CARA, to facilitate its smooth functioning.

Separate chapter on Adoption provides for detailed provisions relating to adoption

and punishments for not complying with the laid down procedure.

Processes have been streamlined with timelines for both in-country and inter- country adoption including declaring a child legally free for adoption.