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Post-independence period

After independence, the state was committed to the abolition of caste based inequality and explicitly enshrined this into the Constitution. The political promise of the constitution was accompanied by fast paced economic changes. Thus, without sufficient measures to promote equality in the economic sphere caste inequalities remained strong, caste based .

The development activity of the state and the growth of private industry also affected caste indirectly through the speeding up and intensification of economic change. Modern industry created all kinds of new jobs for which there were no caste rules.

Urbanisation and the conditions of collective living in the cities made it difficult for the caste-segregated patterns of social interaction

to survive.

Caste proved to be strongest in cultural and domestic spheres. Endogamy remained largely unaffected by modernization.

The democratic politics in India is deeply conditioned by caste, thereby making caste considerations important in electoral politics. In fact, 1980s witnessed the emergence of caste based political parties.

Reservation in jobs and education has contributed to caste consciousness and in fact strengthened caste based movements that seek reservation.