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Initiatives for the elimination of bonded labour

Articles 21 and 23 of the Constitution and Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976.

SC in several judgements, has given directions to improve the situation and since 1997, NHRC has been directly involved in monitoring situation and making reports to SC.

Government had initiated a Centrally Sponsored Scheme under which Rs 4,000 was initially provided for the rehabilitation of each bonded labourer.

Till March 2015, more than 3 lakh bonded labourers have been identified and released.

Centre also provides assistance for surveys, awareness campaigns and evaluations. Released bonded labourers are given priority in a number of government programmes.

Since June 2000, ILO has been implementing a project to prevent and eliminate bonded labour in South Asia..

India has a plethora of labour legislation regulating conditions of work of contract and migrant labour, prohibiting child labour in hazardous industries, and for minimum wages. But these remain in large part unimplemented. A concerted effort to ensure implementation of the law, by government in close cooperation with employers’ and workers’ organisations and civil society, is called for in this respect.


6. The Forest Rights Act 2006 tries to undo the historic injustice done to the forest dweller and tribals. Inspite of its well intended goals the act has failed to achieve the desired success. Critically analyse.Answer: