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Factors leading to weakening of caste system

Change in hierarchical structure: Caste hierarchy based on purity and pollution has weakened because of secularization. Additionally, wealth is replacing birth as the basis of social prestige.

Breakdown of Jajmani system: Jajmani system involved exchange of goods and services, with each jati contributing its share based on occupational specialty. However, it is dissipating due to traditional breakdown of occupation and industrialization.

Sanskritization: It is a process by which low Hindu caste groups/tribes change their customs, rituals etc. emulating a higher caste group to attain vertical mobility.

Disruption of traditionally ordained occupational system: Due to globalization and rise of services sector.

Anonymous urban life: With increasing migration, city life is becoming anonymous where caste identities of co-habitants is seldom known.

Modernization of education and legal system.