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3.7. LGBT Community

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons have historically faced and continue to face discrimination and violence around the world. According to 2011 census, almost six lakh transgender people live in India. Section 377 of Indian Panel Code criminalizes homosexual activities which further make them vulnerable. In a landmark Judgment on Right to Privacy, the Supreme Court said the rights of LGBT population are "real rights founded on sound constitutional doctrine". However, they continue to face various issues like-

Social discrimination, deprivation of liberty, lack of employment and educational opportunities, limited access to health care etc.

Forced or bonded labour, denial of use of a public place, denial of residence in household, village

Physical, sexual, verbal, emotional and economic abuse

Threats, blackmails and even violence in the name of section 377 with no help or remedy

They live under constant fear and psychological stress

While prosecution under Section 377 has been rare, the law is used to harass members of the LGBT community.


3.7.1. Schemes3.7.2. Initiatives by Government/Judiciary to Promote Interests of LGBT Community in India