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Functions of the family

The family bonding and ties have started loosening due to physical distance as it rendered impracticable for family members to come together as often as earlier. This affected the earlier idealized notion of 'family' as the caring and nurturing unit for children, the sick and elderly.

With more women joining the workforce system, the care of aged within families has declined.

Finding partners: younger generations have started depending on internet marriage sites like ', Bharat Matrimony' etc. Family involvement in finding a groom / bride is reducing. However, the tradition of arranged marriages is still relevant in Indian society.

Traditionally family served the role of providing education to the younger generation. However this role has been taken over by the specialised institutions due to growing division of labour and specialization of the work.

However, despite changes in the functions of the family, even today there are certain functions still specific to family i) Primary socialization of children, ii) Agency of social control