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1.12. India and the United Nations

Founding Member: Since 1945

Peacekeeping: Historically largest troop contributor. 43 mission participations. Currently third largest contributor

Decolonisation: India was the co-sponsor of the landmark 1960 Declaration on UN on Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. India was also elected the first chair of the Decolonization Committee (Committee of 24) where its ceaseless efforts to put an end to colonialism are well on record.

Apartheid: Key role against the regime In South Africa: In fact, India was the first country to raise the issue in the UN (in 1946) and played a leading role in the formation of a Sub- Committee against Apartheid set up by the General Assembly. When the Convention on Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination was adopted in 1965, India was among the earliest signatories.

Terrorism: With the objective of providing a comprehensible legal framework to counter terrorism India took the initiative to pilot a draft Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT) in 1996 and continues to work for its early adoption

Financial Contribution: With 0.7 percent of UN budge, India’s contribution is 24th largest.

India’s status as a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Group of 77 cemented its position within the UN system as a leading advocate of the concerns and aspirations of developing countries and the creation of a more equitable international economic and political order.


♤ India strongly believes that the United Nations and the norms of international relations that it has fostered remain the most efficacious means for tackling today's global challenges.♤ India has suggested that the UN reforms need to be “broad-based and all-encompassing”♤ The 193 member-United Nations adopted a consensus resolution in its 69th General Assembly on September 14, 2015 to move from Inter-Governmental Negotiations (IGN) to a Text-Based Negotiations (TBN) process for reforming the United Nations Security Council.o India has participated in virtually all of the initiatives of the UN.