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1.3.1. Way Forward

Report calls for increased interaction at the ministerial and bureaucratic levels throughout the year, rather than confining dialogue to an annual summit between the Russian and Indian leaderships. India and Russia have been having regular bilateral summits between the Russian president and the Indian prime minister since 2000.

It also calls for a three-way talks between Russia, India and the US besides Russia, India and Israel to increase the ambit of cooperation. India and Russia already have a trilateral arrangement with China.

On terrorism and religious extremism, the paper calls for the two countries to support each other more closely and visibly.

It also calls for the two countries to collaborate in third countries—such as those in India’s neighbourhood like Nepal and on Russia’s periphery like the Central Asian Republics. In this context development of Vietnam’s hydrocarbon sector also provides opportunity for cooperation in third country.


♤ Giving a new impetus to Moscow-New Delhi relations would allow Russia to diversify its efforts in Asia.♤ On defence collaboration, the report said “it is important to secure and consolidate new trends in the development of military-technical cooperation and, first and foremost, to transition from the “seller–buyer” model to large-scale joint breakthrough projects.”