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and reach in Central Asia.

it will help India engage the Central Asian Republics (CARs) on a regular basis every year, something which has proved rather difficult in a bilateral format

Membership in SCO is likely to help India fulfil its aspiration of playing an active role in its extended neighborhood as well as checking the ever growing influence of China in Eurasia by intensifying regional integration, promote connectivity and stability across borders.

SCO countries have a significant role in stabilising Afghanistan, membership would provide India another avenue to remain engaged in this process.

SCO also provides a platform for India to simultaneously engage with its traditional friend Russia as well as its rivals, China and Pakistan

India could gain from SCO’s Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) – manned by 30 professionals analysing key intelligence inputs on the movements of terror outfits, drug- trafficking, cyber security threats and public information in the region that we in India know little about.