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o diversifying sources for its naval hardware,

o Increasing number of joint exercises with IOR partner countries,

o Promote blue economy and sustainable use of marine resources in a cooperative manner.

There are Certain challenges:

o One of the challenges is the ambitions and activities of China. China’s ambition to control the Sea Lanes of Communications (SLOCs) in the Indian Ocean and its creation of a chain of friendly island countries only escalates the existing bilateral tensions between India and China.

o Another challenge emanates from Pakistan. Pakistan considers India as a constant threat which has to be deterred.

o India’s poor record in forming multilateral mechanisms (example, SAARC, BIMSTEC etc.) is another concern as due to its failure in the aforementioned institutions India is mostly viewed as a country of bilateral choice. Holistic maritime cooperation, on the other hand, is based on multilateralism.

However, India is constantly learning, for instance the International Fleet Review in February 2016 in Vishakhapatnam, India exhibited firm commitment towards intensified maritime cooperation with the IOR partner nations.

1.1.8. Key Developments

U.S.-India Joint Strategic Vision for the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean Region released in January 2015.