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1.1. Understanding Foreign Policy and International Relations

Foreign policy by definition is about the world around us. If you imagine a country as an individual then you need to think of foreign policy as the way an individual negotiates with the environment around. So for Instance, an individual operates through a set of identities, self definition and self interests and is enmeshed in a web of relations (Family, friends, competitors, enemies etc.). An individual has certain desires and goals. Thus, based on one’s capabilities one engages in making and shaping ones relation to achieve ones goals and desires. These goals and desires for an individual are often related to security, prosperity and self-growth.

In case of sovereign nation states these goals and desires can be termed as National Interest. National interest in its fine print may vary from time to time but at its heart has the security (military preparedness, internal and external security ), prosperity (economic wellbeing e.g FDI, Trade, poverty eradication etc.) and status (political position in the world order of the day e.g Membership of UN Security Council) of the country. Foreign policy is both a statement of these interests and a blueprint to achieve them. According to J. Bandopadhyay it involves an exercise of choice of ends and means in an international setting. In much simpler terms, foreign policy is a nation protocol for making and maintaining relations with foreign countries. Thus, India’s foreign policy define, articulates and pursues national interests in a world where these interests are in many ways dependent on the actors and factors outside the boundaries of the country.