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Pakistan resolution passed in the annual session of the All India Muslim League held in Lahore on 22–24 March 1940.

Partition of India 1947: Creation of Pakistan

Kashmir issue was taken up at the UN 1948 and Ceasefire came into existence in 1949.

Pakistan Joins the SEATO (1954) and Baghdad Pact or CENTO (1955)

The Indus Water Treaty was signed in 1960 with the Mediation of the World Bank

6 rounds of talks in1962-64

The India-Pakistan War 1965-

Tashkent agreement 1966- Both sides giving up territorial claims, withdrawing their armies from the disputed territory.

The Bangladesh War 1971: Defeat and loss of territory marks a new phase in Pakistan’s

politics and relations with India

The Simla Agreement 1972: Signed between Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto from Pakistan

o The Simla Agreement designates the ceasefire line of December 17, 1971, as being the new "Line-of-Control (LoC)" between the two countries, which neither side is to seek to alter unilaterally, and which "shall be respected by both sides without prejudice to the recognised position of either side".

o It also contains a, mutual commitment to the peaceful resolution of all issues through direct bilateral approaches.

Domestic turmoil in Pakistan- Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is removed by General Ziaul Haq who becomes the president in 1978 and launches Islamic legal system. Bhutto is hanged in 1979.

Operation Meghdoot in 1984 brought the Siachen Glacier under India’s control.

1988 Agreement - The two countries signed an agreement that neither side will attack the other's nuclear installations or facilities. These include "nuclear power and research reactors, fuel fabrication, uranium enrichment, isotopes separation and reprocessing facilities as well as any other installations with fresh or irradiated nuclear fuel and materials in any form and establishments storing significant quantities of radio-active materials". Since January 1992, India and Pakistan have exchanged lists of their respective civilian nuclear-related facilities.