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Sri Lanka is one of the major recipients of development credit given by the Government of India, with total commitment of US$2.6 billion, including US$ 436 million as grants.

o A line of credit of $800 million for track laying and supply of rolling stock to support construction railway lines in Northern Sri Lanka is already operational.

o In October 2014 the Pallai-Jaffna reconstructed railway track and signal system was inaugurated thereby reconnecting Jaffna to Colombo by rail.

o Emergency Ambulance Service was launched in Sri Lanka on 28th July 2016 under Indian Grant Assistance of US $ 7.55 million. The project involves deployment of 88 ambulances Western and Southern provinces, setting up of an Emergency Response Center and first year of operations.

o Under another line of credit of $167.4 million, the tsunami-damaged Colombo-Matara rail link has been repaired and upgraded.