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In one particular backward caste, the practice of girl child marriage is prevalent. Government finds that the custom is very deep rooted. The members of the group are reluctant to give up the practice. Government engages a social psychologist to formulate a strategy and campaign for convincing the caste members to change the old custom. He suggests that the message should be framed in such a manner that it triggers the ego defence mechanisms of the fathers of the child brides.


Which of the following messages will be in line with the social psychologist’s advice?

1. Highlighting that child marriages are out of place in progressive modern societies.

2. Highlighting old practices like Swayamvaram which allowed girls to choose their husbands.

3. Engaging NGOs to propagate the message.

4. Highlighting the evil effects of early marriage of girls and appealing that as loving fathers they should not expose their daughters to such consequences.


The first alternative points to an important fact, but is unlikely to touch any chords in the hearts of theparents. As they arebackward and uneducated,pointingto thefeature of another societyoutside their experience will not have much impact.

The second alternative links the message to a social practice prevalent earlier and which finds mention in traditional narratives. But these traditions have lost their strength and relevance to the situation narrated in the case.

The third alternative suggests that the message should be conveyed through NGOs. It is not about linking the message to ego-defence mechanisms but about the messenger.

The last alternative connects the message to the psychological feelings of fathers. It appeals to the “ego-defensive” mechanisms of the fathers to overcome their prejudice in favour of girl child marriage. Ego meansselfhood, andeveryone has a sense of decency. Ego-defence attitudes help him to preservethis sense of hisown decency.Fathersseethemselves as deeplyaffectionate to daughters and concerned with their welfare. If the harm which marriage brings to a girl child (by depriving her of many opportunities of life) is highlighted, it is possible that those who regard themselves as loving fathers will change their views. By appealing to an individual’s self image as a loving father, it may be possible to change his attitude more in conformity with his self image.