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Policies and legislations
♤ Strengthening PDS- The public distribution system should be strengthened and should be designed to reach the unreached.
♤ Bringing food security bill based on right based approach - effective bill on food and nutrition security, address the issue of rotting food grains -- a criminal waste when people still die of starvation-- and rely on bottom-up methods that complement the top-down administrative structure to identify the poor and reduce both exclusion and inclusion errors in targeting
♤ Removing barrier to interstate trade
♤ Longer term policies of restoring purchasing power need to be started on an urgent basis, and the stepping up of food-for-work programmes to cover every state whether drought affected or not, is the obvious answer.
♤ Decentralised procurement and decentralised storage will help to minimise transport and transaction costs.. The storage can be done through a national grid of Community Food Banks (CFBs) managed by self-help groups
A universal and user-sensitive Public Distribution System, Food Guarantee Scheme, Community Food Banks and various other food entitlement projects need to be implemented in an integrated manner, so that the goal of hunger-free India can be achieved.