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1. Public Distribution System in India

Public distribution system is a government-sponsored chain of shops entrusted with the work of distributing basic food and non-food commodities to the needy sections of the society at very cheap prices.


1.1. Objectives1.2. Evolution and Functioning of PDS1.3. Limitations of PDS In India1.4. Targeted Public Distribution System1.4.1. Key Features of TPDS1.4.2. Issues related with TPDS1.5. Recent PDS Reforms1.6. Revamping of PDSSuggested Reforms Procurement SideSupply SideConsumer Side1.7. Alternatives to PDS1.8. Universal vs. Targeted Debate1.9. Food Corporation of India (FCI)1.9.1. Recommendations of High Level Committee on Restructuring of FCI1. On Procurement Related Issues:2. On PDS And NFSA Related Issues:5. On Labour Related Issues:The new face of FCI as envisioned by Shanta Kumar committee: