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How MSP is Calculated

MSPs of 23 crops is recommended by Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP).

It adopts several cost concepts like A2, FL and C2

o Cost A2 – Includes the actual costs paid by farmer for purchase of various inputs like seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, hired labour, rent of land & machinery, if hired.

o Cost A2 +FL – FL refers to Family Labour. If the hitherto unaccounted family labour cost is accounted and added to cost A2, it becomes A2+FL.

o Cost C2 – C2 stands for Comprehensive Cost. It includes notional costs of family labour, notional rent of owned land and notional interest on owned capital.

M.S Swaminathan headed National Commission on Farmers recommended a 50 per cent margin over C2, which is also being the demand of the farmers.

For rabi crop the government is using 50 per cent margin of Cost A2 or cost A2+FL. But even then the MSPs given by the government is less than cost C2.