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Criteria of eligibility:

All habitations having a population of 500 (as per 2001 census) and above in plain areas.

All habitations having a population of 250 and above in:

o Hill States

o Desert Areas

o Tribal Areas (Schedule V)

o Tribal and backward districts under IAP (Integrated Action Plan)

The Government of India in 2013, approved a scheme of PMGSY II which envisages upgradation of existing major rural links to rural growth centres where cost of upgradation will be shared by states also.

The Phase-III of PMGSY is also being finalised, wherein Sustainable Maintenance of Roads and Financial Incentives to best performing States will be the key focus areas.

The Ministry of Rural Development is planning to give a financial incentive of 5 percent to the best performing States for maintenance of roads. There are 8 to 9 States in the country which are building standard and durable rural roads well before the scheduled target.

Sensing the importance and urgency of rural roads for national development the target date for completion of PMGSY-I has been preponed from 2022 to 2019. Working towards this accelerated target, sanctions have been given to 1,66,012 habitations (93%) against the target of 1,78,184 eligible habitations. PMGSY through its all-weather roads has contributed this key ingredient of development to 11,499 new unconnected habitations for the first time in 2017-18.

Less than 1% eligible habitations remain to be sanctioned for new connectivity under PMGSY, remaining 6% habitations are either not-feasible or sanctioned by the States from their own resources. Connectivity has been provided to 1,52,124 habitations (including 16,380 habitations connected by the States). In addition, 2109 habitations of 100-249 population have been connected. Under the program, 5,50,533 kms of road length has been constructed.