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11. Previous Years UPSC Mains Questions

1. Has the Indian governmental system responded adequately to the demands of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization started in 1991? What can the government do to be responsive to this important change?

2. Liberalisation of the Indian economy since 1991 has led to excessive consumerism and over-production of ‘white goods’. Elucidate.

3. “The lesson of the current global financial crisis is that India should halt and may be even

reverse financial liberalisation.”

4. State the comprehensive structural reforms undertaken to improve the Indian economy since 1991.

5. “Industrial growth rate has lagged behind in the overall growth of Gross-Domestic-Product (GDP) in the post-reform period” Give reasons. How far the recent changes in Industrial Policy are capable of increasing the industrial growth rate?

6. How globalization has led to the reduction of employment in the formal sector of the Indian economy? Is increased informalization detrimental to the development of the country?

7. Normally countries shift from agriculture to industry and then later to services, but India shifted directly from agriculture to services. What are the reasons for the huge growth of services vis-a-vis industry in the country? Can India become a developed country without a strong industrial base?

8. Foreign direct investment in the defence sector is now said to be liberalised. What influence this is expected to have on Indian defence and economy in the short and long run?

9. Examine the impact of liberalization on companies owned by Indian. Are the competing with the MNCs satisfactorily?

10. Discuss the impact of FDI entry into multi-trade retail sector on supply chain management in commodity trade pattern of the economy.

11. Though India allowed foreign direct investment (FDI) in what is called multi brand retail through joint venture route in September 2012, the FDI even after a year, has not picket up. Discuss the reasons.
