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7. Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation

The New Economic Policy was based on three major policy measures, namely, (a) liberalisation,

(b) privatisation, and (c) globalisation. Liberalisation policy was characterised by liberalisation of the Indian economy from various types of controls, licensing and permits, which regulated the non-agricultural sector before 1991. The policy of privatisation basically implied expansion of the private sector and limiting the role of the public sector. Globalisation was the policy of opening up the Indian economy to other economies of the world.

Now, let us look at the economic reforms in detail under each of these three heads.


7.1. Policy of Liberalisation of Indian Economy7.1.1. Meaning of Liberalisation7.1.2. Features of Liberalisation Policy7.1.3. Significance of Liberalisation Policy7.2. The Policy of Privatisation7.2.1. Meaning and Rationale of Privatisation7.2.2. Arguments Against Privatisation7.2.3. Features of the Policy of Privatisation in India7.3. Policy of Globalisation7.3.1. Meaning of Globalisation7.3.2. Effects of Globalisation7.3.3. Globalisation of Indian Economy7.3.4. Features of the Globalisation Policy7.3.5. Effects of Globalisation on Indian Industry