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7.3.7. Gross National Happiness

With many of the world's countries about as unhappy as they can get because of their dwindling GDP figures, the tiny nation of Bhutan has gone in the opposite direction. Officials in Bhutan came up with a different indicator, called gross national happiness (GNH). The country's beloved former king, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, envisaged the concept of gross national happiness since 1972, and the country adopted it as a formal economic indicator in 2008. Beginning in November 2008, all the economic factors started measuring gross domestic product analyzed for their impact on Bhutan's residents' happiness. The factors of production are still there such as unemployment, agriculture, retail sales but GNH represents a paradigm shift in what's most valued by Bhutanese society compared to the rest of the world. In short, happiness matters, not money. Following parameters are used in the GNH:

Higher real per capita income.

Good Governance.

Environmental Protection.

Cultural Promotion