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In the wake of current domestic mal practices in telecom licensing by Indian govt., corruption and other scandals, Supreme Court cancelled almost 22 licenses allotted to the telecom companies. Some of the companies such as Telenor, Systema, Kaif Investments, Capital Global and Axiata were foreign companies. For instance, Systema is a Russian company. Russian govt. invoked the cancellation of licence to Systema on the premise of BIPA which led a deterioration of bilateral relations. White Industries Australia has even got a favourable award against India’s decision. India faced similar issues with key trading partners such as UAE, UK, and other European countries.

Faced with the adverse consequences for the investment climate, the government had set up a cabinet committee to review major BIPAs. The committee has suggested a detailed road map for re-negotiation of all the 82 investment protection agreements.


3. Even though India’s export sector has had bouts of high growth at different stretches of time it is yet to take off in terms of its share in the world exports. Highlight the major issues associated with India’s export sector along with measures that need to be taken to resolve them.Answer:4. What are Offshore Rupee Bonds? Giving examples, discuss their benefits with regards to mobilisation of resources for domestic sector. Also, comment on their role in internationalisation of Indian Rupee.Answer:5. India’s export performance in the recent past has been poor in relation to the needs of the economy and in comparison with some other developing countries. Examine the reasons behind the decline in India’s exports. Highlight the measures proposed in Foreign Trade Policy 2015 to overcome this challenge.Answer:6. Tax treaties intended to avoid double taxation have in many cases become instruments for double non-taxation. Elaborate. List the major amendments in the India-Mauritius DTAA and the advantages that are expected to accrue due to it.Answer: