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fixed exchange rate system.

o Devaluation of a currency happens in countries with a fixed exchange rate (or also where it is managed floating rate).

o In a fixed-rate economy, it is the government that decides what its currency should be worth compared with that of other countries. In this case, usually the government pledges to buy and sell as much of its currency as needed to keep its exchange rate the same. The exchange rate can change only when the government decides to change it. If a government decides to make its currency less valuable, the change is called devaluation.

Depreciation vs Devaluation

Depreciation of the currency is a slow process and value of the currency automatically gets adjusted by the market forces.

Thus, once the currency of a country has depreciated, the investors from other countries will see an opportunity and are likely to shift from other economies. This will help in boosting the economy which may in the long run even push back the value of the currency

During devaluation, there is less trust in the economy and once currency is devalued, Government finds it very difficult to revalue the same by government dictate as there will be fear that such revaluation can backfire and put the economy in risk mode.