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o Rupee Convertibility

o Setting up of a separate Enforcement Directorate (ED) for trying out criminal offenses in foreign exchange

o Borrowings by the corporate sector Capital Account Convertibility (CAC)

Currency convertibility is the ease with which a country's currency can be converted into gold or another currency. It means freedom to convert local financial assets into foreign ones at market-determined exchange rates.

At present, India allows full convertibility in current account but only partial convertibility in capital account.

S. S. Tarapore Committee has recommended to move towards full CAC.

Should India move towards full Capital Account convertibility? Positives:

o RBI recently allowed Indian companies to raise rupee debt offshore.

o Convertibility would facilitate further liberalisation and increase foreign investment.

o Increasing openness to international trade may create opportunities for avoiding capital account restrictions.

o It can lead to free exchange of currency at lower rates. Also, it promotes unrestricted mobility of capital – which may impact the economy in times of global recession.