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10. GS Mains Test Series Questions


1. It is important for India to return to the path of fiscal consolidation while also increasing public investment. Explain why achieving both these objectives are important to revive the present economic environment in the country.Answer:B. Argument againstPublic InvestmentB. ChallengesWay forward2. It is argued that India’s fiscal centre of gravity has rapidly shifted from the Centre to the States. Analyse the statement in context of the debate on fiscal discipline. Also, enumerate the key recommendations of the N.K. Singh panel on Fiscal Responsibilty and Budget Management Act.Answer:3. Successive Finance Commissions have tried to balance the twin issues of fiscal discipline and regional disparities. Yet, they have been criticized by both the rich and poor states for neglecting their needs. Discuss. How far has the 14th Finance Commission been able to address this issue?Answer:4. What are the objectives of public debt management in India? Examine the rationale for setting up an independent agency to manage government debt. Also highlight the issues that need to be addressed to ensure successful debt management by an agency other than the RBI.Answer: