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2.2.1. Achievement

The IMF acts both as a financing and an adjustment-oriented international institution for the benefit of its members It has been providing financial assistance to the deficit countries to meet their temporary disequilibrium in BOP.

The Fund aims at promoting exchange rate stability. In its early phase, the Fund made arrangements of avoidance of competitive exchange depreciation. It has made an attempt to solve the problem of international liquidity by creating Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)—an

artificial currency as foreign exchange reserves to benefit the developing countries in particular. SDR allocations are made to member countries to finance the BOP deficits.

The IMF has assisted its members in the formulation of appropriate monetary, fiscal, and trade policies by his assistance in the form of surveillance, which it conducts on a yearly basis for individual countries, regions and the global economy as a whole. However, a country may ask for financial assistance if it finds itself in an economic crisis, whether caused by a sudden shock to its economy or poor macroeconomic planning.