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1. The National Spot Exchange Ltd. crisis has been in news recently. Discuss the crisis, its causes and suggest a way forward.


This question involves some intricate concepts of economics, which may require some extra effort to understand.

Key points that require understanding:

o The original intended role of NSEL i.e. spot market for commodities

o NSEL’s involvement in forward trading, which was beyond its original mandate.

o Recent decision of the govt. to stop launching the new forward contracts triggered the crisis.

o Failure of the regulator to keep a watch over the exchange activities; so regulatory system should be strengthened.

If you are able to comprehend the key points, then it should be sufficient to write this answer without going into too much details.

But in case, you are not able to comprehend the key points – its still ok. Just refer the basic concepts of economics related to spot markets and forward trading.