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1. Introduction

Electronic-technology (E-technology) is used as an overarching term incorporating all modes of transmission like electronic devices, satellite communication, mobile, services and applications which help to disseminate information with the help of technology.

Agriculture sector is crucial for providing livelihoods, ensuring food security and providing impetus to the growth of industries and service

sectors. It is an information intensive sector that is spatial in nature. To be successful, farmers must be generalists who are not only well versed in the latest farming technologies but also astute businessman who are technologically savvy. Further, to cope with

E-agriculture is a term to study the role of Information and Communication Technology in agricultural development. Simply speaking, it is a way of harnessing the power of ICT in agricultural domain.

challenges posed by the globalization of agriculture, the farmers have to produce quality product at par with world market at reasonable prices. Thus, the farmers need to be well informed and well trained in the management of natural resources and production of agricultural commodities. Indian agriculture sector at present is facing many challenges, some of which are following:

Increasing productivity of agriculture

Ensuring Remunerative prices for farmers

Making agriculture sustainable in the long run

Ensuring consumers get better produce at lower prices (through reduced waste and more- efficient supply chain management)

E-agriculture and e-technology can play an important role in addressing these challenges and uplifting the livelihood of Indian farmers.