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Impediments faced by Food Processing industry

Fragmentation of land holdings which has made investments in automation unviable;

Regional climatic variations which impact the production ; and the constraints in land availability due to competing pressure from urbanization.

Slow adoption of technology, waste related problems, low levels of value addition.

High requirement for working capital.

Low availability of new, reliable and better accuracy instruments and equipments.

Inadequate automation w.r.t. information management.

Remuneration is less attractive for talent in comparison to contemporary disciplines.

Inadequately developed linkages between R&D labs and industry.

Food Processing industry can reach its potential with both Government and Private Sector initiative. The industry can create millions of jobs, ensure food security and reduce wastage.


6. Food safety laws are a critical factor hampering the growth of food processing industry in India. Analyse.Answer:7. Discuss the significance of food processing industry in the economic development of the country and the challenges which need to be tackled for sustained growth of the industry. Also elaborate on the salient features of National Mission on Food Processing.Answer: