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Benefits of micro irrigation systems

Water savings: water is saved through different ways such as:

o By reducing loss of water in conveyance.

o By reducing loss of water through evaporation, run off, and by deep percolation.

Lower consumption of fertilizers; An efficient drip irrigation system reduces consumption of fertiliser through fertigation

Cost savings: There are substantial reductions in irrigation costs and savings on electricity and fertilisers.

Higher yields: the yields are higher than traditional flood irrigation. Yields of crops increase – up to 45 per cent in wheat, 20 per cent in gram and 40 per cent in soybean.

Weed and disease reduction: It helps in inhibiting growth of weeds as it keeps limited wet areas. Under this condition the incidence of disease is also reduced.

Improved production on marginal land as the fields need not be leveled.

Overall, improvement in net farm incomes is substantial.