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3.1. Evolution

The cropping system of a region is a cumulative result of long term agricultural practices, social customs and traditions, physical conditions, Government policies, monetary considerations and historical factors. In India, over last 50 years, the trend in the land use pattern and cropping pattern has shown increasing use of land for the purpose of cultivation with slight variations.

The change in land use pattern and cropping pattern is vastly affected by irrigation expansion, infrastructure development, penetration of rural markets, development and spread of short duration and drought resistant crop technologies, rapid urbanization. The higher cultivable area has been achieved by bringing large acreage of uncultivable land into cultivation.

Some of the observable trends/issues in Indian agriculture system can be seen as under:


♤ Dominance of food crops over non-food crops ♤ Variety of Crops ♤ Dominance of cereals among food crops ♤ Decline in coarse cereals ♤ Declining importance of Kharif crops