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The Way Forward:

The measures which can contribute to improved fodder and feed situation include the following:

A reliable data-base is required for assisting in realistic planning.

Supply of quality fodder and feed should be encouraged on a priority basis.

The forest department can play a major role in augmenting fodder production in the country. The degraded forest areas, mostly under the Joint Forest Management Committees (JFMCs), can be used for assisting growth of indigenous fodder varieties of grasses, legumes, and trees under area-specific silvi-pastoral systems.

There is a need for undertaking an effective Extension campaign in major states for efficient utilization of crop residues, growing fodder crops, Azolla production, etc.

Production of seeds of high yielding fodder varieties needs to be increased in the organized/cooperative sector.

Production of condensed fodder blocks needs to be encouraged by creating an assured market, coupled with providing a transport subsidy for supply to distant areas.