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Way Forward

Long-term sustainable production measures should be looked into increase the production & quality of maize.

Active surveillance, monitoring and control in case of any outbreaks in rapid manner. Implementation of livestock insurance insurance schemes is also important.

Network for a realistic national and global poultry database and marketing intelligence may be developed. Also, the genetic resource of Indian livestock should be conserved through programmes like Gokul Mission.

Sufficient trained manpower should be developed in the existing institutions.

The by-products from mechanized abattoirs should be utilized for production of value added products, like Meat-cum-Bone Meal (MBM), Tallow, Bone Chips, Pet Foods and methane, which can be used as a source of energy for value addition in most of the modern plants.

There is a need to support pig rearing in order to improve sow productivity, growth rate of piglets and feed conversion efficiency.

Proper utilization of by-products of livestock slaughter for higher income of livestock owners.

The environmental pollution and spread of livestock diseases should be prevented.

With growing urbanization and increasing quality consciousness, the market for scientifically produced meat products is growing for ready-to-eat and semi-processed meat products. With proper utilisation of livestock resources India needs to be ready for changing socio-economic scenario.


3. “Compared to animal husbandry’s contribution to the Indian economy, the sector has received much less resources and institutional support.” Analyse the above statement in the light of challenges faced by livestock sector in India.Answer: