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8.2. Blue Revolution– Neel Kranti Mission

The government of India restructured the central plan scheme under an umbrella of Blue Revolution: Integrated Development and Management of Fisheries (Central Sector Scheme).

Blue Revolution, the Neel Kranti Mission has the vision to achieve economic prosperity of the country and the fishers and fish farmers as well as contribute towards food and nutritional security through full potential utilization of water resources for fisheries development in a sustainable manner, keeping in view the bio-security and environmental concerns. It will have multi-dimensional approach to all activities concerned with development of the fisheries sector as modern world class industry in India. It will focus on tapping the full production potential and enhance productivity substantially from aquaculture and fisheries resources, both inland and marine. Substantially increasing the share of Indian fisheries in the export area would be a key goal. It will ensure doubling the income of the fishers and fish farmers with inclusive participation of the socio-economically weaker sections and ensure sustainability with environment and biosecurity.


8.2.1. Vision8.2.2. Mission8.2.3. Objectives8.2.4. Strategy – Central Sector Assistance Schemes ♤ Institutional arrangements for fisheries sector ♤ Monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) and other need based interventions: