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6.6. National Dairy Plan

NDP (Phase I) is a central sector scheme being implemented by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) through the network of End Implementing Agencies (EIAs) for the period 2011-12 to 2018-19.

It is a scientifically planned multi-state initiative to increase productivity of milch animals and thereby increase milk production to meet the rapidly growing demand for milk through scientific breeding and feeding and to provide rural milk producers with greater access to the organised milk processing sector.

NDP-I is being implemented in the 18 major milk producing States.

Pattern of funding under the scheme is 100 per cent grant-in-aid for nutrition and breeding activities and in the case of village milk procurement systems, 50 per cent of the cost of capital items is being contributed by the End Implementing Agencies.

Under NDP I, 364 sub projects of 158 EIAs from 18 States have been approved till November 2016.