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The Mumbai Inter Bank offer Rate (MIBOR) is the weighted average interest rate at which certain banks/institutions in Mumbai are ready to lend in the call money market.

Middle Class

We keep hearing and reading use the term ‘middle class’ frequently. But who are the middle classes? There are still no universally accepted criteria for defining the middle class. Simply put, they are neither rich nor poor. Even the income criterion has not been settled. According to the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), a family with an annual income between Rs. 3.4 lakh and Rs. 17 lakh (at the 2009-10 price levels) falls in the middle class category. According to NCAER, by 2015–16, India was a country of 53.3 million middle class households or about 267 million people.


Smaller credit/loan to small and needy borrowers who are outside the reach of commercial banks, for the purpose of undertaking productive activities.

Misery Index

An index of economic misery that is sum of the rates of inflation and unemployment for an economy–higher the value greater is the misery.

Monetary Neutrality

The idea that changes in money supply have no effect on real economic variables (such as output, real interest rates, unemployment etc.,) if money supply increases by 10 per cent, for example, the price will increase by the same level.

A core belief of Classical Economics, the idea was put forth by David Hume in the 18th century. Today this is not considered a

valid idea.