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conomic growth still remains the immediate focus of the world economies. But, income enhancement can only bring the desired development in the country once it is supported by a conscious public policy

aimed at it. Again, the presence of ‘good governance’ in the policy framework can hardly be missed. After the increased acceptance to welfare economics, the standard of life of the masses has emerged as the most popular tool to measure developmental achievemnets of the economies—the idea is much similar to the concept1 of ‘human development’ articulated by the UNDP. In recent times, the world has started accepting the role of people’s attitudinal and behavioural dimensions, too in the gamut of devlopment promotion.2 Further, we see an increased and consensual acceptance among the nations on the issue of delivering ‘happiness’ and ‘life satisfaction’ to the citizens.3 It means, over the last few decades the whole idea about the ‘ultimate’ aim of the economies has gone for a kind of metamorphosis. Human development, increased social welfare and well- being of the people have been the ultimate objective of development planning in India. Increased social welfare of the people requires a more equitable distribution of development benefits along with better living environment. Development process, therefore, needs to continuously strive for broad-based improvement in the standard of living and quality of life of the people through an inclusive development strategy that focuses on both income and non-income dimensions. Making growth and development percolate to the ‘marginalised and disadvantaged sections’ of society (i.e., the SCs, STs, OBCs, Minorities and Women) remains the offical policy of ‘inclusive growth’ for the country.4

The challenge is to formulate inclusive plans to bridge regional, social and economic disparities. The Approach Paper to the 12th Plan (2012–17) rightly stresses the need for more infrastructural investment with the aim of fostering a faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth. The GoI has been conscious about the development of the social sector which includes areas like, health, education, shelter, social welfare, social security, etc. Once the economy commenced the process of economic reforms we see an increased attention on the strengthening of social sector—enhancing the social infrastructre and situation.5 But India is faced with a variety of interconnected and interdpendent issues and challenges in the areas, such as, inclusion, expansion, implementation, accountability, governance, decentralisation,


By 2020, India is projected to be the youngest nation in the world in terms of size—while this ‘youth bulge’ provides India great opportunities, it also ‘poses challenges’—these young people need to be healthy, suitably educated and appropriately skilled to contribute optimally to the economy7. The proportion of economically active population (15-59 years) in India has increased from 57.7 per cent to 63.3 per cent during 1991 to 2013, as per Sample Registration System (SRS) data for 2013. If India has to reap the benefits of this demographic dividend in the years ahead, it is imperative that investments in social infrastructure are made in appropriate measure to achieve the desired educational and health outcomes.

India has to evolve a multi-pronged strategy with focus on bridging the gaps in access to social infrastructure through appropriate use of innovative technologies for enhancement of human potential for productive employment in various sectors and for improving the quality of life. Mobilising the civil society, media and other stakeholders of society in this regard will play a huge supportive role.