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The policy by which the desired level of money flow and its demand is regulated is known as the credit and monetary policy. All over the world it is announced by the central banking body of the country—as the RBI announces it in India. In India there has been a tradition of announcing it twice in a financial year—before the starting of the busy and the slack seasons. But in the reform period, this tradition has been broken. Now the RBI keeps modifying this as per the requirement of the economy, though the practice of the two policy announcements a year still continues.

In India, a debate regarding autonomy to the RBI regarding announcement of the policy started when the Narasimham Committee-I recommended on these lines. As the Governor RBI it was Bimal Jalan who vocally supported the idea. No such move came from the governments officially, but it is believed that the RBI has been given almost working autonomy in this area. In most of the developed economies, the central bank functions with autonomous powers in this area (bifurcation of politics from the economics). Though we lack such kind of officially open autonomy for the RBI, we have learnt enough by now and are better off today.

RBI uses many instruments/tools to put in place the required kind of credit and monetary policy such as—CRR, SLR, Bank Rate, Repo & Reverse Rates, MSF Rate, OMOs, etc. on which it has regulatory controls.